Advertising Campaigns

All Your Ads In One Place

Advertising & Innovation

Advertising is basically a process of promoting products and services by using different advertising means. It generally has multiple objectives and roles but the major role played by advertisement is to persuade the customers/clients to purchase a product. An effective advertisement can easily influence the interests of clients and persuades them to make a purchase. The right advertisement guarantees its influence on maximum number of clients; who in return will take interest in the product and try to inquire more about it.

“Ads Sewa“ is a brand new innovative ad, Distribution system introduced by Ads Sewa. This ad distribution system enables advertisers to know exactly what they are paying for. The main goal of building this innovative system is to construct transparent relationship between advertisers and publishers.


Ad for Nepal enables you to serve different widgets, customized ad units & notifications to accomplish your Advertisement needs in a professional way.


Place native ads to anywhere on your site, move them, change their location to make effective user impression, mobiles apps & lots of other stuff.


Track every single activity including clicks, impressions, conversions & everything else from one dashboard.

"Ads Sewa" at Glance

Ads Sewa ad distribution system enables advertisers to know exactly what they are paying for.

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Ad Tracking System

“Ads Sewa“ is a brand new innovative ad, Distribution system introduced by Ads Sewa. This ad distribution system enables advertisers to know exactly what they are paying for. The current advertising industry scenario of Nepalese market is completely messed up. Market is full of ineligible and non-qualified advertisement agencies that are not even capable of finding the accurate statistical data representation and exact number of viewers, visitors, impressions and clicks on daily basis. They are not capable of convincing & persuading the advertisers regarding subject matter and they cover this fault by displaying the advertisement as per agreement. This is where “Ads Sewa” hits the industry.

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Informative & New Techno Based System

“Ads Sewa” is a complete platform which controls your distribution of advertisement in a proper way. Ads Sewa provides its users with informative & fully accurate statistical data which is one of the most sought after spot in ‘Ads Sewa’ by advertisers. The major function of Ads Sewa is to distribute different ads through websites because this the only way that can help you in meeting the modern world advertisement standards. It also lays down a proper a marketing plan and effective future marketing strategy in front of you.

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Creates Long-term Beneficial Relationships

The main goal of building this innovative system is to construct transparent relationship between advertisers and publishers. While most of the website owners keep their personal information restricted to themselves, “Ads Sewa“ is a unique ad Distribution platform that unfolds each and every single activity of your target website in front of you. By using our services, you will be able to check total daily, weekly and monthly visits of a website, its actual conversion rate and other important statistical details.

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Self operating Ad system

By choosing “Ads Sewa“, you can easily track every single bit of information about your ads at one single interface. This brand new ad Distribution system also empowers advertisers by providing them opportunities to change Ad banners right from their Dash Board. For making slight or major changes in your Ad’s, you won’t have to ask website owners every time. The multi-functional dash board of “Ads Sewa” will allow you to make necessary changes to your ads, deploy ads, change Ad banners without asking anyone else.

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Generates the Business Promotion

The major long term benefit of this unique ad Distribution system is that it will educate and train advertisers in structuring their future marketing strategies. By our detailed statistical reports, you will be able to decide which platform or website is beneficial for future marketing and which is not?

Contact Us

Bikash Tower, 4th Floor
Hanumansthan, Anamnagar
Kathmandu, Nepal
Contact : +977-9851062538 | 9851030300
Mail : [email protected]